Teenage Girl Died After Having Her First Kiss

A young teenage girl Jemma Benjamin, 18 died after kissing her boy friend for the first time. According to the police sources, Benjamin shared a romantic moment with University fellow named Daniel Ross and then Benjamin suddenly fell to the sofa and died in few minutes.

Jemma Benjamin

This is what Ross says, “We were going to go to a bar for some food and went back to my house for a credit card which I had forgotten. We were talking and ended up kissing by the front door. We went into the kitchen and then the living room and Jemma sat down on the sofa.”

Daniel Ross | Jemma Benjamin's boy-friend

Mr Ross said Miss Benjamin’s eyelids suddenly ‘began to droop’ and her mouth started to froth before she collapsed at his student flat in Pontypridd, South Wales.
Ross tried to save her but can’t do any thing, when the paramedics arrived she was no more.
Ross told to police we were friends for the last 3 months and we never had a sexual relationship, and this is the first time we kissed.
Ross said Benjamin’s eyelids suddenly ‘began to droop’ and her mouth started to froth before she collapsed at his student flat in Pontypridd.
Jemma Benjamin died of sudden adult death syndrome (SADS), that is a rare heart condition where about 500 people died in Britain each year due to this disease.


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