The Biggest House in The World:

Biggest House in the World
In case you were wondering about the most extreme buildings or locations for living, you must be eager to know what the biggest house in the world is. Find out which one it is and ask yourself are you really sure you would leave your cozy nest.

The biggest house in the world actually belongs to royalty which is not a big surprise. Yes, we are talking about the Windsor Castle in Berkshire County, England. It belongs to Queen Elizabeth II and it is her home since the beginning of 1950s. Other well known enormous and famous properties of Queen Elizabeth are the Buckingham Palace, London, as well as the Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh.
Let’s say something to the biggest of them, the Windsor Castle whose area counts almost 46 thousand square meters. This castle has been renovated and changed many times through its history and today it has around one thousand rooms.
The Windsor Castle was built in the eleventh century by William the Conqueror and had a defensive role. It was situated on location that was easy to defend which is why it practically presented a fortress. Through out its thousand year old history many great people had been living in it and each of them gave his contribution to the look of the castle.
When Queen Elizabeth came to throne, she decided to make the Windsor Castle the main royal weekend retreat. The works on renovating this fortress have been constantly on, so it has always been in the best shape. It is interesting that this complex fortress had its first castle made of wood and it took time until Henry I finally changed the wood construction into stone.
The Windsor Castle is open for group visits. So if you happen to travel to this area of England, check out this magnificent castle and get your own story about this residence.

Disclaimer:  All the information is collected from different websites and sources

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