Largest Ice Cream Cake :

The giant dessert that broke the Guinness World Record for the largest ice cream cake was so huge that it had to be weighed on a scale normally used to weigh commercial airplanes.The cake weighed in at more than 20,000 pounds and was created to celebrate the 30th birthday of the Canadian branch of the Dairy Queen franchise. The company asked food engineering students at the University of Toronto to help them design the cake so that it would meet Guinness World Records guidelines.According to the guidelines, the ice cream cake should not collapse or melt until after it has been weighed, measured and served. It would also have to beat the previous record-holder, a 19,290-pound ice cream cake from Beijing that has held the title since 2006.For Dairy Queen’s record attempt, refrigerated trucks carrying sections of the cake arrived mid-morning on May 10 at Toronto’s Yonge-Dundas Square in Ontario, Canada. The ice cream cake team of DQ employees assembled the individual pallets, which were huge blocks of ice cream covered with sponge cake, on the scale platform.

The workers then frosted the final combined cake with buttercream and topped it off with Oreo cookie crumbles.The scale used to measure the cake is normally used to weigh commercial airplanes, and it was able to weigh the cake to the nearest 0.1 pound. With a final weight of 22,333.6 pounds, the massive ice cream cake surpassed the previous record-holder by more than 3,000 pounds. Now that’s one impressive birthday cake!

Disclaimer:  All the information is collected from different websites and sources

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